About Discussion Meets
The Discussion Meet is one of the highlights of the State Annual Meeting each year. The meet features three contests: Young Farmer, Collegiate and High School.
Sponsored by the Michigan Farm Bureau State Young Farmer Committee at the District and State level and the AFBF Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee at the National Level, the Discussion Meet program started in 1948.
The purpose of the Meets is to allow for discussion and an exchange of ideas on topics facing agriculture and its future. Participants build basic discussion skills, develop a keen understanding of important agricultural issues and explore how groups can pool knowledge to reach consensus and solve problems. The winner of each meet receives a cash prize and advances to national-level competitions.

Young Farmer Meet — Tuesday, Dec. 3
8:00-10:00 a.m. Registration — DeVos Grand Gallery
10:00-10:20 a.m. Competitors' and Judges' Briefing — DeVos Grand Gallery Room E
10:30-11:30 a.m. Sweet 16, Round 1 — DeVos Grand Gallery A-D
1:30-2:30 p.m. Sweet 16, Round 2 — DeVos Grand Gallery A-D
2:45-4:00 p.m. Young Farmer Excellence Award Presentation and Discussion Meet Final Four Announcement — DeVos Grand Gallery Room CD
7:00-9:15 p.m. Young Farmer Discussion Meet Finals and Winner Announcement — Leadership Banquet, DeVos Ballroom BCD
District 1
- Drew Bordner, St. Joseph
- Emily Swift, St. Joseph
- Mark Trowbridge, St. Joseph
District 2
- Shayla Williams, Jackson
District 3
- Erica Drake, Washtenaw
District 4
- Zoey Zupin, Kent
District 6
- Logan Maher, Sanilac
- Jasmine McNary, Sanilac
District 7
- Jasper Cunningham, Oceana
- Lauren Marfio, Mecosta
- Amanda Goodfellow, Mecosta
District 8
- Logan Crumbaugh, Gratiot
District 9
- Kate King, Wexford
- Madeleine Smeltzer, Wexford
District 10
- Sarah Hollon, Clare
District 12
- Kelsi Dalgord, Hiawathaland
District 5
- Zoey Zupin, Kent
District 7
- Jasper Cunningham, Oceana
District 9
- Madeleine Smeltzer, Wexford
District 10
- Sarah Hollon, Clare
District 7
- Jasper Cunningham, Oceana
- The landscape of American agriculture and the picture of the “typical" American farm continues to change. Meanwhile, Farm Bureau will need to continue to recruit and retain members in order to be a vibrant and effective organization into the future. How can Farm Bureau continue to provide value and opportunity to welcome members from across the broad diversity of modern agriculture and American farmers and ranchers?
- Succession planning is often a tough subject not only for individual farms and ranches but also within county Farm Bureaus. Some younger members may find it challenging to become involved in their county Farm Bureau beyond the YF&R committee. What are some ways that county Farm Bureaus can encourage involvement from young members and how can actively engaged young board members help their county Farm Bureaus plan for the future?
- Farmers and ranchers are reliant on multiple energy sources to run equipment, heat livestock barns and power storage and maintenance facilities. How can Farm Bureau work with energy companies, local governments and rural communities to increase domestic energy production, minimize loss of agricultural land and protect private property rights?
The winner of MFB’s 2024 Young Farmer Discussion Meet receives $2,000, sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan, and will represent Michigan at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Young Farmer & Rancher Discussion Meet in San Antonio, Texas in January. The prizes for the Final Four are provided by Grainger, Michigan Farm Bureau Health Services, the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture, and KEY Apparel.
Collegiate Meet — Wednesday, Dec. 4
7:45-8:15 a.m. Registration — DeVos Grand Gallery
8:15-8:45 a.m. Briefing —DeVos Grand Gallery A
9:00-9:45 a.m. Round 1 — DeVos Grand Gallery A-B
10:00-10:45 a.m. Round 2 — DeVos Grand Gallery A-B
11:15 a.m. Finalist Announcement — DeVos Grand Gallery DE
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Finals — DeVos Grand Gallery AB
12:45-2:30 p.m. Winner Announcement — Member Engagement Lunch, DeVos Ballroom BCD
Delta Collegiate FB
- Isabelle Diehl, Midland
- Chloe Lawrason, Gladwin
Glen Oaks
- Josephine Matthews, St. Joseph
Kellogg Collegiate FB
- Krissi Fuller, Branch
- Josselyn Martinz, Branch
Monroe Collegiate FB
Alyssa Otto, Monroe
Montcalm Collegiate FB
- Victoria Caine, Montcalm
Saginaw Valley State University Collegiate FB
- Alyssa Rudgers, Sanilac
Grand Gallery A
- Krissi Fuller
- Josephine Matthews
- Isabelle Diehl
- Alyssa Otto
Grand Gallery B
- Victoria Caine
- Chloe Lawrason
- Josselyn Martinez
- Alyssa Rudgers
Grand Gallery A
- Krissi Fuller
- Josephine Matthews
- Victoria Caine
- Chloe Lawrason
Grand Gallery B
- Isabelle Diehl
- Alyssa Otta
- Josselyn Martinez
- Alyssa Rudgers
Delta Collegiate FB
- Isabelle Diehl, Midland
- Chloe Lawrason, Gratiot
Montcalm Collegiate FB
- Victoria Caine, Montcalm
Saginaw Valley State University Collegiate FB
- Alyssa Rudgers, Sanilac
Saginaw Valley State University Collegiate FB
- Alyssa Rudgers, Sanilac
- Opening Round One: The landscape of American agriculture and the picture of the “typical" American farm continues to change. Meanwhile, Farm Bureau will need to continue to recruit and retain members in order to be a vibrant and effective organization into the future. How can Farm Bureau continue to provide value and opportunity to welcome members from across the broad diversity of modern agriculture and American farmers and ranchers?
- Opening Round Two: Many young farmers wanting to return to the farm are finding they need to diversify their farm portfolio to remain profitable and have a role on the farm. What are ways young farmers can utilize diversification to find new revenue sources? How can Farm Bureau support young farmers as they explore options and opportunities?
- Final Round: Farmers and ranchers are reliant on multiple energy sources to run equipment, heat livestock barns and power storage and maintenance facilities. How can Farm Bureau work with energy companies, local governments, and rural communities to increase U.S. energy production, minimize loss of agricultural land and protect private property rights?
All prizes are courtesy of DTE Energy and the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture. Third Place will receive a $200 cash prize and plaque. The state runner-up will receive a $300 cash prize and plaque. The state winner will receive $500, a Collegiate Farm Bureau polo, plaque and an all-expenses paid trip for them and a guest to the 2025 American Farm Bureau FUSION Conference March 7-10 in Denver, CO to represent Michigan at the AFBF Collegiate Discussion Meet Competition.
High School Meet — Wednesday, Dec. 4
7:45-8:15 a.m. Registration — DeVos Grand Gallery
8:15-8:45 a.m. Briefing —DeVos Grand Gallery D
9:00-9:45 a.m. Round 1 — DeVos Grand Gallery C-E
10:00-10:45 a.m. Round 2 — DeVos Grand Gallery C-E
11:15 a.m. Finalist Announcement — DeVos Grand Gallery DE
11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Finals — DeVos Grand Gallery DE
12:45-2:30 p.m. Winner Announcement — Member Engagement Lunch, DeVos Ballroom BCD
Region I
- Elizabeth Stanke, Charlotte FFA
- Olivia Belden, Hopkins FFA
- Ellise Wedge, Hopkins FFA
Region II
- Mackenzie Wolfe, Blissfield FFA
- Anjel Solis, Lenawee Tech Center PM FFA
- William Rogers, Saline 4-H Farmers 4-H Club
Region III
- Brent DeSaegher, Ithaca FFA
- Westley Chapin, Sanilac FFA
- Maleah Roth, Sew-N-How
Region IV
- Amelia Barnum, Mason FFA
- Hazel Stone, Perry FFA
- Alex Cargill, Mason FFA
Region V
- Grace Torsch, Montague FFA
- Rylee Miller, Ionia FFA
- Vanessa "Piper" Koebel, Cedar Springs High School
Region VI
- Mia Carley, Bay-Arenac ISD
- Cam Bates, Clare-Baldwin FFA
- Madison Jones, Clare-Baldwin FFA
Grand Gallery C
- Westley Chapin
- Vanessa Koebel
- Olivia Belden
- Amelia Barnum
- William Rogers
- Cam Bates
Grand Gallery D
- Rylee Miller
- Mia Carley
- Anjel Solis
- Brent De Saegher
- Elizabeth Stanke
- Alexander Cargill
Grand Gallery E
- Ellise Wedge
- Hazel Stone
- Maleah Roth
- Madison Jones
- Mackenzie Wolfe
- Grace Torsch
Grand Gallery C
- Westly Chapin
- Vanessa Koebel
- Rylee Miller
- Mia Carley
- Ellise Wedge
- Hazel Stone
Grand Gallery D
- Olivia Belden
- Amelia Barnum
- Anjel Solis
- Brent De Saegher
- Maleah Roth
- Madison Jones
Grand Gallery E
- William Rogers
- Cam Bates
- Elizabeth Stanke
- Alexander Cargill
- Mackenzie Wolfe
- Grace Torsch
Region II
- Anjel Solis, Lenawee Tech Center FFA
- William Rogers, Saline 4-H Farmers 4-H Club
Region III
- Westley Chapin, Sanilac FFA
- Brent De Saegher, Ithaca FFA
Region IV
- Hazel Stone, Perry FFA
Region V
- Grace Torsch, Montague FFA
Region V
- Grace Torsch, Montague FFA
- Round One Question: The landscape of American agriculture and the picture of the “typical" American farm continues to change. How can Farm Bureau learn from FFA and 4-H on how to better support and provide value to members from a broad diversity of modern agriculture and farmers and ranchers?
- Round Two Question: Increases in the price of agricultural land as well as machinery, equipment, and vehicles make it tough to start or expand farms. How can young farmers prepare both financially and personally to acquire and/or compete for agricultural assets such as land, machinery, vehicles, and equipment?
- Final Round Question: Farmers and ranchers are reliant on multiple energy sources to run equipment, heat livestock barns and power storage and maintenance facilities. How can Farm Bureau work with energy companies, local governments, and rural communities to increase U.S. energy production, minimize loss of agricultural land and protect private property rights?
The winner of the High School meet receives $250 in cash and a plaque while the runner-up receives $150 and a plaque. The prizes are provided by DTE Energy and the Michigan Foundation for Agriculture.
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