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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

How to Farm Bureau: Submit your policy idea

This vintage PD flow chart sure has a lot of arrows, but ultimately they all point to you, the Farm Bureau member with an idea and a voice for sharing it.
Date Posted: July 9, 2024

We’re already on the far side of 2024 so here we are listing county annuals — and that means exercise for the beating heart of your organization: Policy Development.

This article outlining PD resources already ran a couple times, but if you missed it, here’s a condensed version:

  1. Your voice matters, and PD is how your voice becomes part of the Farm Bureau agenda. Don’t assume your concern is already in the policy book, or that someone else is going to bring it up.
  2. Your county Farm Bureau’s PD committee is the best — but not the only — way to insert yourself into policy conversations. Contact your county office or MFB Regional Manager to climb aboard. If that train’s already left the station, or maybe you’re just shy, keep reading.
  3. Submit your policy idea online with this submission form. It works for both amending policy — adding, deleting or changing existing language — or suggesting fresh new ones nobody’s dreamt up yet.

That’s really about all there is to it.

Your county PD committee is the level, fertile ground where most policy ideas are sown. Other incubators at the state level include the 13 standing Commodity Advisory Committees and ad hoc bodies like our Rural Communities Task Force.

All those roads lead to the state PD committee, which meets twice in September and October to refine the slate delegates consider at the state annual meeting. The resulting policy book is the official codification of Michigan Farm Bureau's stance, direction and priorities for the coming year.

Nicole Sevrey headshot

Nicole Sevrey

Public Policy Communications Specialist
517-679-5344 [email protected]