Helping county presidents to learn and grow as leaders
January 15-16, 2025 | The H Hotel, Midland
At this annual conference for county Farm Bureau presidents, attendees network with peers from across the state, build leadership skills, and learn about current state and national organizational issues.
The conference is primarily for county presidents. If the president is unable to attend, another member of the county executive committee (vice president or third member) may attend in their place.
Contact your County Administrative Manager to register.

Blake Hurst
Blake Hurst is the former president of the Missouri Farm Bureau’s Board of Directors, where he served in that role for 10 years. Prior to his role as president, he was a district board member on the Missouri state board for eight years and served seven years as Missouri Farm Bureau vice-president.
He raises corn and soybeans with his family and operates a wholesale greenhouse business. Hurst is also a freelance writer. His work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, The American, Weekly Standard, Wilson’s Quarterly, Reader’s Digest, Today’s Farmer and the Show Me magazine of Missouri Farm Bureau.
8:00-11:45 a.m. New President Training — Platinum
11:00 a.m. Registration and Individual County President Photos
12:00 p.m. Leveraging and Engaging the Full Power of Your Team — Indigo Ballroom
- Welcome — Ben LaCross, MFB President
- Invocation and Lunch
- Keynote Speaker: Lessons from the Tractor Seat — Blake Hurst, Retired Past President and farmer, Missouri Farm Bureau
- Leveraging the power of your volunteers, staff, and partners through focusing on your county Farm Bureau's purpose: the "why."
- Q&A with President Hurst
1:45 p.m. Networking break
2:00 p.m. Breakout Sessions (45-minute sessions. Rotate through each session, with 5 minute in between.)
- Recruiting New Leaders and Volunteers — Platinum
- Laken Polega, Thumb Regional Manager and Sonya Novotny, Northeast Advanced Regional Manager — Nathan Payne, Iosco CFB President and Chad Geoit, Kalamazoo CFB President
- Building your Team: Effective Strategies for Board Development and Succession Planing — Gold
- Sarah Pion, Southwest Regional Manager and Riley Brazo, State YF Chair
- From Sidelines to Spotlight: Highlighting Your County Farm Bureau's Impact — Indigo 1
- Hannah Meyers, Southeast Advanced Regional Manager and Sarah Mathe, Monroe CFB President
4:45 p.m. General Session: Striving for Excellence — Indigo Ballroom
- County Presidents Panel of Excellence
- Kristi Keilen, Clinton CFB President; Jill Hershberger, Cass CFB President; and Betty Krosnicki, St. Clair CFB President
- Champions of Excellence Awards
5:30 p.m. Health Insurance OR Rural Communities Task Force — Platinum and Gold Rooms
6:00 p.m. Adjourn
6:00-7:30 p.m. Igloos and Curling — Courtyard
6:30 p.m. Reception — Indigo Foyer
7:30 p.m. Dinner — Indigo Ballroom
Following dinner Vegas Night and Euchre Tournament
7:00 a.m. Sunrise Session: District Collaboration and Discussion — Indigo Ballroom (Sit by District)
- Invocation and Breakfast
- District Roundtable Discussions led by MFB District Directors
- County Factbook Review/Discussion — Deb Schmucker, MFB Field Operations Director
- Keeping Agriculture at the Forefront of your County — Matt Smego, MFB Public Policy & Commodity Division Director
- What are your goals as county president?
- What are your county's goals or needs?
8:45 a.m. Break
9:00 a.m. Breakout Sessions (45-minute sessions. Rotate through each session, with 5 minute in between.)
- Goal Setting and Strategic Planning — Platinum
- Laken Polega, Thumb Regional Manager and Sonya Novotny, Northeast Advanced Regional Manager
- A Leader's Guide to Effective Communication: Public Speaking, Presentations, and Media — Gold
- Jon Adamy, Media Relations Specialist and Courtney Munford, Public Relations/Social Media Strategist
- Conflict Resolution Strategies — Indigo 1
- Bethany Prykucki, MSU Extension
10:45 a.m. Check-out and Networking Break
11:15 a.m. Closing Session: Farm Bureau in Action — Indigo Ballroom
- County Relationship Agreement Update — Jeff Schluckbier, County Relationship Review Committee Chair
- Membership Update — Laura Lunceford, MFB Membership Development Manager
- MFB's Social Mission: How County Farm Bureaus Can Engage to Help Solve Childhood Hunger — Audrey Carey, Community Engagement Specialist
- Legislative Update — Matt Smego, Director, MFB Public Policy & Commodity Division
- Challenge for the Upcoming Year — Ben LaCross, MFB President
12:00 p.m. Adjourn with Box Lunches — Indigo Foyer