On a mild fall afternoon, a group from Shiawassee County Farm Bureau met at the area Catholic Charities to assist with the Mobile Food Pantry. Upon our arrival, we noticed the parking lot was already filled with people waiting in their cars for the truck load of food and the hands to serve it.
We had a strong line-up of volunteers — Shiawassee County Farm Bureau members and leaders, and our area Farm Bureau Insurance agents. Thanks to the guidance of the wonderful people at Catholic Charities, we organized a well-oiled assembly line where everyone worked together to fill the cars as a they drove through the line.
The donated food consisted of fresh fruit and vegetables, milk, meat, and an assortment of non-perishable food items, all of which was donated through the combined efforts of the county Farm Bureau and agents through the Agent Charitable Fund Double Up Donation Program.
Over the course of three hours, the group was able to provide food for nearly 100 families in need.
Jennings is the regional manager for MFB’s central region, which includes Eaton, Ingham, Clinton, Shiawassee and Genesee County Farm Bureaus.
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