Abby Vittore’s deep Farm Bureau roots trace back to her upbringing in a family deeply immersed in the organization.
“My parents were heavily involved in Farm Bureau and the Young Farmer program, so I’ve been around Farm Bureau for most of my life,” she said.
But it was her own drive that propelled her into her current role as chair of Michigan Farm Bureau’s State Young Farmer Committee. The journey began with High School Discussion Meets, which lit a spark and led her to continued engagement with the MSU Main Campus Collegiate Farm Bureau. There, as vice president for two years, Vittore took every opportunity to connect with her agricultural peer group.
“The initial draw was the networking opportunities the Young Farmer program offers,” she said. “I was looking for a way to connect with people who were facing the same challenges I was in the industry.”
From the Collegiate organization she transitioned again back home and began climbing leadership ladders inside the Lenawee County Farm Bureau, starting as Young Farmer chair and continuing onto the county board’s vice presidency. Dedication and a passion for advocacy soon propelled her onto MFB’s state-level Young Farmer committee, and now its chair.
Central to Vittore’s journey was her experience with Discussion Meets, where Young Farmers engage in constructive dialogue on issues effecting today’s agriculture industry.
“My Discussion Meet involvement began in high school, then Collegiate Farm Bureau, and ultimately the Young Farmer stage,” Vittore said, crediting the events with honing her ability to effectively articulate thoughts while valuing her peers’ alternative perspectives.
“Discussion Meets taught me how to feel confident in speaking up when I have something constructive to say,” she said. “They also confirm that listening to others in your group is necessary to coming to a comprehensive solution to the problem at hand.”
Discussion Meets’ payoffs extend well beyond Vittore’s personal gains.
“There are so many benefits,” she said. “From idea-sharing to confidence-building and learning how to work collaboratively with a group of peers.”
Her involvement across the whole spectrum of Young Farmer activities has been transformative, bolstering her confidence and advocacy skills.
“Being involved in the Young Farmer program has brought me out of my shell in many ways,” Vittore said. “Farm Bureau has reinforced my ability to stand up for the issues that are important to Young Farmers across the state.”
And she offers this to newcomers considering Farm Bureau involvement: “You will get out of it what you put into it.
“The more involved you get, the more opportunities begin to come your way.”
Abby Vittore lives near Britton with her husband Ben and their daughter Rosie; she works at her family’s greenhouse, Carpenter Farms, and garden center, Barrett’s Showplace & Gardens.
Noah Hanson interned with MFB’s Young Farmer Department.
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