There’s never really a bad time to be in the Upper Peninsula, but if your travels have you there in late September, you might consider swinging down into the Banana Belt for Menominee County’s annual Dinner on the Farm Event.
Menominee’s been doing Dinner on the Farm longer than any other county Farm Bureau in Michigan, and local Promotion & Education chair Lisa Gaudes is spreading the word that this year’s host will be Sunny G Orchard outside Stephenson.
From 2-5 p.m. Sept. 23 the orchard will open its gates to visitors for wagon rides, orchard equipment on display for up-close inspection and a hay maze. The dinner menu will include fried chicken, beef tips, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls, apple crisp — made with Sunny G’s own apples, of course — and ice cream from DeBacker’s Dairy, another proud U.P. agribusiness.
And if this needs saying, Sunny D’s own apples will be available for sale to all comers.
For more information, contact Gaudes directly via email or 906-753-2322.
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