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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

FB Center hosts orientation for new state YF, P&E committee members

State Young Farmer Chair Riley Brazo works with state P&E committee newcomer Katrina Bontekoe on a team-building exercise during a recent orientation session at the Farm Bureau Center.
Date Posted: January 14, 2025

New members of two key state-level steering committees convened at Farm Bureau headquarters in Lansing for a Jan. 10 orientation meeting to introduce them to each other and their new responsibilities leading MFB’s Young Farmer and Promotion & Education programs. 

Both new program chairs — Alysa Sanford (P&E) and Riley Brazo (Young Farmer) — were joined by key MFB staffers for a daylong agenda outlining new committee members’ roles and responsibilities in helping lead two of the organization’s most vital programs. 

The day saw a parade of Farm Bureau staffers introducing topics pertinent to leaders in both programs, encouraging them to zero in on personal and district-level goals, and ways to support county chairs. 

“You provide leadership for our state-level committees,” said P&E Manager Tonia Ritter, introducing an exercise in self-evaluation: a personal SWOT analysis to help new leaders identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats they each bring to the table.

“You were all nominated for these roles because someone else saw in you your strengths,” Ritter reminded her audience. 

Other components of the day included an overview of media relations and public speaking and a personal goals questionnaire. 

“I hope you’ve learned a little about yourselves today,” said new Young Farmer Chair Riley Brazo of St. Joseph County. “Hold tight to these tools from staff, and don’t be afraid to lean on them or to step outside your box. 

“It’s a big team and we all lean on each other.”

Other new Young Farmer committee members included Matt Gibson (Kalamazoo, Dist. 1), Allan Robinette (Kent, Dist. 4), Nathan Beyerlein (Tuscola, Dist. 6) and at-large member Ben Butcher (Shiawassee).

They join incumbent members Chris Sanford (Jackson, Dist. 2), Chad Fusilier (Washtenaw, Dist. 3), Cody Ferry (Genesee, Dist. 5), Kate Wernette (Mecosta, Dist. 7), Sarah Zastrow (Midland. Dist. 8), Samantha Schade (Mason, Dist. 9), Josh Aube (Huron Shores, Dist. 10), Nate McGuire (Antrim, Dist. 11), Jimmy Love (Chippewa, Dist. 12) and at-large member Natalie Holbrook (Lapeer).

New to the state P&E committee are Kim Graham (Wayne County, Dist. 3),  Tami Shaw (Ingham, Dist. 5) and at-large members Katrina Bontekoe (Osceola) and Joyce Neyer (Isabella).

Incumbent P&E leaders are Kristin Kubiszak (Van Buren, Dist. 1), Andrea Boughton (Calhoun, Dist. 2), Mary Willcome (Ottawa, Dist. 3), Darcy Lipskey (Sanilac, Dist. 6), Breann Bonga (Montcalm, Dist. 7), Joe Bryant (Isabella, Dist. 8), Mary Alway (Mason, Dist. 9), Erika Schunk (Clare, Dist. 10), Kelly LaPeer (Cheboygan, Dist. 11) and Lyle Harter (Chippewa, Dist. 12).

Try these links to learn more about your new state Young Farmer and Promotion & Education committee leaders — in their own words.

Tonia Ritter head shot

Tonia Ritter

Education and Leadership Programs Manager
[email protected]
Katie Eisenberger headshot

Katie Eisenberger

Young Farmer Manager
517-679-5444 [email protected]

State P&E committee welcomes new leaders

A New Year means new blood on the state-level committee steering Michigan Farm Bureau’s Promotion & Education program.

State Young Farmer committee welcomes new leaders

A New Year means new blood on the state-level committee steering Michigan Farm Bureau’s Young Farmer program.