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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

'We won’t let up' — AFBF president promises push for farm bill, H-2A reform will continue

With a new Congress and new administration in Washington, AFBF President Zippy Duvall said it’s an important time to engage with elected officials and build relationship. He laid out the organization’s priorities in the year ahead during his opening address to the 106th American Farm Bureau Convention. Image credit: Getty Images
Date Posted: January 28, 2025

SAN ANTONIO — A modernized farm bill.

Labor policy reform.

Critical tax provision extensions.

Making sure the EPA is following sound science.

There’s no shortage of work on the horizon for agriculture on Capitol Hill.

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall laid out the road ahead for the Farm Bureau’s legislative advocacy during his opening address at the 106th American Farm Bureau Convention, being held in San Antonio, Texas.

“Your American Farm Bureau team is stepping up and leading in Washington on the policy priorities that you, our grassroots members, have set,” said Duvall, recapping some of the many successes Farm Bureau helped achieve in 2024.

Just last month, the power of the federation was on full display, as AFBF successfully led the charge to ensure Congress recognized the challenges farmers are facing.

“After losing an average of 77 farms per day for five years, something had to be done, and we did it,” Duvall noted.

Agriculture funding — in the form of $20.78 billion in disaster and $10 billion in economic relief — was the only addition to the Continuing Resolution passed in late December 2024.

“We flooded Congress with over 12,000 messages in 72 hours, urging action,” Duvall added. “This led to $30 billion dollars to support farmers and ranchers at a critical time.”

In 2024 alone, Farm Bureau members nationwide set a record with nearly 50,000 calls, emails, letters and texts to Congress and federal agencies, while Michigan Farm Bureau members and supporters sent more than 5,000 messages to state and federal legislators and regulatory leaders though MFB-led efforts.

While the year ended with that major victory it also started with a huge win right out of the gate to start 2024.

“Remember that Securities and Exchange Commission rule that would have extended Wall Street regulations all the way to the farm?” Duvall said. 

“It was all but a done deal until thousands of you joined me to help the SEC understand that it would have been impossible for farmers to comply.”

Kalamazoo County Farm Bureau member Bill Schultz played a key role in helping lawmakers understand how devastating that rule would have been when he testified before a House committee.

“I never expected to get a personal phone call from the SEC chairman. No one in Washington believed we could impact a SEC rule. But we sure did,” Duvall added.

“Last spring, SEC reversed course. We won that battle.”

The road ahead in Washington

Duvall said AFBF is focused on the finish line for several other top issues, with the farm bill battle front of mind.

“While we appreciate Congress passing another extension, we will not let up, despite lawmakers kicking the can down the road and making political excuses,” he said. “Tens of thousands of you stepped up to help, and you can bet we’ll keep working together to get a modernized farm bill.”

Duvall also emphasized the struggles farmers across the country are having finding skilled, reliable workers.

“I hear you loud and clear about operating on razor-thin margins as labor costs rise,” he said, noting that Farm Bureau is pressing House and Senate leaders to understand the urgency of ag labor reform. Duvall also cited the work that Farm Bureau did in helping to convince a federal court to block an overreaching rule from the Department of Labor related to H-2A guestworkers.

“I promise you we won’t let up till we find a solution.”

Duvall also vowed to hold leaders accountable for their promises when it comes to taxes, as many of the provisions farmers rely on to remain economically sustainable are expiring this year.

“You shouldn’t be left guessing from year to year whether you will get hit with a tax bill that could put your farm out of business,” Duvall said.

He also referenced AFBF’s role in the formation of a unique coalition of “uncommon allies,” which are working together to ensure farmers are treated as partners and recognized for their stewardship.

“The result: Voluntary, market-based incentives for climate-smart farming are now the standard in Washington,” Duvall said. “We don’t have harsh mandates like we see in Europe and other places around the world. And we led the way in making it happen.”

Duvall pointed out Farm Bureau role in the EPA’s proposed listing of monarch butterflies as “threatened” instead of “endangered.”

“We engaged with EPA long ago on this matter to help them understand the potential impacts on agriculture. Their decision to list them as ‘threatened’ recognizes the importance of flexibility in conservation efforts, instead of tying farmers’ hands,” Duvall said.

“We’ll keep working with EPA to ensure that they strike the right balance to protect wildlife and allow farmers to keep farming.”

Relationship building

With a new Congress and new administration in Washington, Duvall said it’s an important time to engage with elected officials and build relationships.

“Many of them are not familiar with agriculture. And some of them have ideas that could set back years of progress in modern farming and food security,” cautioned Duvall, adding that how farmers engage with those skeptics of modern agriculture is tremendously important.

“Of course we want to achieve healthier outcomes in America, but it’s important to ground these conversations in science. Without real data, the results could send us backward.”

He added that the voice of Farm Bureau members has never been more important, and called for helping America understand the ways agriculture has moved forward, and all the tools needed to continue providing safe, healthy and affordable food for this country.

“Thank you for stepping up to drive agriculture and our communities forward in such amazing ways,” Duvall concluded, referencing the convention’s theme of “Step Up, Drive Forward.”

“I’m proud to be a farmer and a Farm Bureau member alongside each of you. We can move mountains when we work together. So, let’s go move some more mountains by stepping up and driving forward in 2025!”