We support programs and activities such as:
- Evaluating and endorsing candidates seeking federal, university or state office whose positions are compatible with Michigan Farm Bureau policies, without regard to party affiliation.
- Allocating AgriPac and FarmPac funds for the purpose of electing Friends of Agriculture.
- Promoting the personal and financial involvement of Farm Bureau members in the election of Friends of Agriculture.
- Encouraging county Farm Bureaus to further engage in the electoral process.
- The local grassroots process of county Farm Bureau Candidate Evaluation Committees taking the initial lead on candidate evaluation and them making recommendations to the MFB AgriPac. Grassroots involvement is the backbone of Farm Bureau.
The MFB AgriPac is appointed by MFB’s president, with consent of the board of Directors. The Committee designates Friends of Agriculture and provides a framework in which we can endorse, and possibly financially support. AgriPac decisions look at the “big picture” and are based on input from county Candidate Evaluation Committees, voting records, and possible past Farm Bureau interaction with the candidate.
With the increasing number of legislative and regulatory issues facing agriculture, it’s imperative that we have as many Friends of Agriculture elected as possible with county Farm Bureau support. We need more farmers in all forms of government: local, state, university and national.
The autonomy of AgriPac is crucial to its success. Nevertheless, prompt decisions and timely communications of final decisions to each county is important. Endorsements should not be withheld simply because the candidate is running unopposed. We encourage our members to contribute to AgriPac or FarmPac.
The delegate body directs MFB to form a group/committee to look at and make recommendations of ways to increase the money in our AgriPac fund and also how we can have greater impact of those dollars.