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Michigan Farm Bureau Family of Companies

Michigan Young Farmer Award winners take their talents to the national stage

Pictured (L-R) are MFB Young Farmer Discussion Meet winner Jasper Cunningham, Excellence in Agriculture winner Darcy Lipskey, and Achievement award winners Alisha and Matt Gibson. Image credit: Michigan Farm Bureau
Date Posted: January 28, 2025

An outstanding group of four of Michigan’s best and brightest young farmers took their talents to the national stage at AFBF’s 106th American Farm Bureau Convention in San Antonio, Texas.

Michigan Young Farmer Discussion Meet winner Jasper Cunningham, Excellence in Agriculture winner Darcy Lipskey, and Achievement Award winners Matt and Alisha Gibson squared off with top participants from across the country, with Lipskey and the Gibsons advancing to the top-10 in their competitions.

“This outstanding group of young farmers did an incredible job of representing Michigan agriculture and highlighting their own experience and the immense contributions they make to our organization,” said MFB President Ben LaCross.

“Their preparation and dedication were on full display, and we’re thrilled that they received well-deserved recognition from their counterparts and judges at the national level.”

Young Farmer Achievement Award

Michigan Farm Bureau’s 2024 Young Farmer Achievement Award winners Matt and Alisha Gibson were selected as top 10 finalists for the national award after sharing their story of how they’re working to build a sustainable future for their family while improving practices to gain efficiencies.

The award recognizes successful Young Farmers — individuals or couples — who derive most of their income from an owned production agriculture enterprise and showcases their achievements in the business of farming.

The Gibsons farm in Kalamazoo County, operating an 800-head hog-finishing facility and raising 1,100 acres of corn and soybeans. Matt and his uncle farm together under an LLC they created in 2023, while Alisha works as an assurance manager at Plante Moran. 

“It was really interesting to fill the application out, see what you've personally done on paper, and just get to know yourself a little better,” Matt said. “And then interacting with all the other state winners who were here, and seeing what their struggles have been, and how they've overcame things with their operation and just, you know, realizing you're not alone in some of those things.”

The Gibsons said their presentation went into detail about their farm, and why they’ve chosen to focus on doing certain specific things that they can be productive and profitable on, rather than prioritize diversification in their operation.

“You have to be a little vulnerable to tell your story, but don't be afraid to tell people what you've done,” Alisha said. “This was a really good opportunity for us to reflect on where we started and where we are today, and it’s something to be proud of.”

As the state winner, the Gibsons receive a lease on a Kubota tractor and a $1,000 AgroLiquid gift certificate. Read more about the Gibsons here.

Excellence in Agriculture Award

Sanilac County Farm Bureau President Darcy Lipskey was among the top 10 finalists for the national Young Farmer Excellence in Agriculture Award, which recognize young farmers for their involvement in agriculture, leadership ability and participation in Farm Bureau.

A sixth-generation farmer, Lipskey raises corn, wheat, dry beans and alfalfa hay to feed and bed her family’s cow/calf Angus operation near Minden City, where she also keeps a small herd of Boer goats. When she’s not on the farm, Lipskey works for the Natural Resources Conservation Service, helping landowners enhance conservation efforts by identifying resource concerns.

While the Excellence in Agriculture Award focused on her achievements, Lipskey said there’s a huge team that represents the award she’s bringing home. 

“I couldn't be here if it wasn't for them because everybody needs a great support staff,” Lipskey told Michigan Farm News. “Just making it here and being in the top 10 was awesome.”

Lipskey also reflected on the growth she’s had in the process leading up to the national stage, citing the application process that had her digging into her operation — and growth within Farm Bureau — at a new level.

“Coming back to the county Farm Bureau in 2016 and everything that we've done collectively as a county since then has been awesome,” Lipskey said. “When we talk about Project RED, when I started in 2016, we had just under 300 kids there. And now this year, we're at 550 and that's amazing to be able to watch something like that grow.”

As the state winner, Lipskey received a three-month lease on a Michigan CAT skid-steer and a $1,000 AgroLiquid gift certificate.

Discussion Meet

Oceana County Farm Bureau member Jasper Cunningham brought Michigan-focused points to the Discussion Meet contest, including conversations about succession planning at the county Farm Bureau leadership level, and how Farm Bureau can help members who want to diversify their operations.

“We all face unique challenges in agriculture, but when we start discussing it and sharing and collaborating, we see some similarities and common ground in amongst the challenges, but also the solutions,” Cunningham said. “And so, getting the different states perspectives have been pretty valuable on that.”

Cunningham added that the Discussion Meet mirrors the reasons why the Young Farmers program has been so successful.

“It's equipping you with leadership development skills to be successful. In this specific contest that's going to be problem solving, critical thinking, analysis, also public speaking,” he said, noting that the Young Farmer leadership program brings together like-minded people who share similar issues to hone their skills.

“But at the same time, we're sharing answers and solutions to topics on modern day agriculture. When you get to put the two together, it's pretty important.”

As the state-level winner, Cunningham received $2,000 from Michigan Foundation for Agriculture